Hispanic writers collection, 1958-[ongoing].


Hispanic writers collection, 1958-[ongoing].

This collection consists largely of materials that Enrique Lamadrid gathered to write biographies of Fabiola Cabeza de Baca Gilbert, E.A. Mares, and Leo Romero for the Chicano writers, second series volume of the Dictionary of literary biography. These materials include copies of the final biographies that were published in Chicano writers, as well as background biographical materials such as correspondence, articles, literary works, literary reviews, and news clippings. There are cassette tapes of interviews conducted by Lamadrid with Romero and Mares. The collection also includes a photocopy of an edited manuscript Inocencio by Juan Estevan Arellano, and a photocopy of the manuscript Pasó por aquí, which was edited by Erlinda Gonzales-Berry. A 1995 addition to this collection includes materials by and about Katherine Quintana Ranck, including the manuscript, Portrait of Doña Elena, as well as other literary works, biographical information, correspondence and critiques of her work. A 1996 addition includes the manuscripts, Martin, and Mediatations on the South Valley by Jimmy Santiago Baca. These are manuscripts that were given to Enrique Lamadrid for review in 1986, just before they were published by New Directions, and launched Baca into national prominance. Sections of Martin were incorporated into Lamadrid's sound track and book Tesoros del espíritu: a portrait in sound of Hispanic New Mexico. Rómolo Arellano's unpublished manuscript Tito, a play with many references to local politics has also been added to this collection. a 1998 addition includes materials by and about Demetria Martínez, and a manuscript copy of El Santo queso: the Holy cheese by Jim Sagel.

1 box (1 cu. ft.)



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